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Legacy Planning

Make a lasting impact through wills, trusts,
and other estate planning tools.

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Have a gift to UGM in your will?

Let us know  

Offer hope to the homeless for many years to come. Become a Legacy Partner.

UGM Legacy Partners plant seeds today for tomorrow’s harvest.

When you entrust a portion of your life’s work to UGM through your estate plans, you’re investing in the future wellbeing of the most vulnerable in our community. Your “ultimate gift” helps ensure that UGM ministries will continue to make a difference well beyond your lifetime.

Taking a bow in front of the Mens Recovery Center

Legacy gifts, invested through the UGM Foundation, provide financial security far into the future and facilitate expansion projects that increase the Mission’s reach. Anna Ogden Hall, UGM Camp, the Men’s Shelter vocational education center, and many other expansions and renovations across the ministry have been made possible through the wise planning and generosity of our legacy partners. Many men, women, and children today are finding hope and healing because faithful partners thought to include UGM in their estate plans. 

Legacy giving can be as simple as naming UGM in your will, but there are also several other options: you can provide for the future of UGM through gifts of real estate, life insurance, trusts, and charitable gift annuities.

UGM also gladly receives gifts of stock, IRA required minimum distributions, and donor advised funds. 

Let us help you navigate the details so you can leave a legacy of generosity.

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Do you have life-income you wish to invest?

Are you interested in designating UGM as a beneficiary in your will?

Would you like to talk to someone about the future of your estate?

No matter what questions you have,
we want to be of service.

Contact Gwen Schwartz today.
gwen schwartz

Gwen Schwartz

Director of Legacy
and Gift Planning

“I’m excited to help you move forward with confidence as you plan a legacy that will be a blessing to many.”

For your reference,
our Tax ID # is: 91-0613587.


“I would very strongly recommend that anyone who wants to make a charitable contribution come down and talk to Gwen. It’s a win-win for everybody.”

- Ron, UGM Legacy Donor

Your free legacy planning tools

Legacy planning


Easy will
writing guide


Sample language for notifying your family of your decisions

View now

If you landed on this page but were looking for help dispersing a loved one’s tangible property or delivering goods, please call UGM Estate Services at 509.532.3847, ext. 1340. Ask for Donny.