More ways to give
Quick links:
Church Engagement Business Partnerships Advanced Giving Options UGM Enterprises Estate Services Volunteer
Serve together
Encourage your small groups to volunteer at UGM’s shelters. Build relationships with shelter guests and strengthen friendships within your church. Contact Linda Ziehnert (info below) to get started.
Share the gospel
Conduct chapel services, pray with shelter guests, and provide Bible studies and discipleship for residents touched by the gospel. Contact the men’s chaplain at 509.536.3787 or
Welcome our guests
Help provide a hospitable environment, spiritual support, and friendship for UGM residents both before and after they move out. Most of our residents have little or no support and few healthy relationships outside UGM, and we need churches to bridge that gap. Contact Linda for more info.
Partner financially
Encourage your congregation to support the Mission. Understanding the “mission field” to be local as well as global, churches are some of UGM’s most valued and faithful financial partners. Contact Linda for more info.
Join UGM Connect
Members of UGM Connect provide an important point of contact between UGM and local churches. Meeting twice a year, Spokane and Coeur d’Alene Connect members sponsor UGM projects and carry UGM needs before their church leaders and congregations to facilitate greater cooperation in the cause. Call 509.535.8510 in Spokane or 208.665.4673 in Coeur d’Alene for information about upcoming meetings.
Interested? Contact Linda:

“At North Church, we choose to support people already doing the work, instead of us trying to start up all these little independent ministries. And UGM is an anchor in this city. They’ve been doing it forever and doing it really well.”
– Olyvia Babinski, pastor
“At North Church, we choose to support people already doing the work, instead of us trying to start up all these little independent ministries.
“And UGM is an anchor in this city. They’ve been doing it [serving the homeless] forever and doing it really well.”
- Olyvia Babinski, pastor
Sponsor an event
Sponsoring an event is a great way to help the homeless and bring valuable exposure to your business at the same time. Event sponsors will be recognized in a variety of ways.
Host a business practicum
Each of the men and women going through UGM’s long-term recovery program participate in 240 hours of unpaid employment at a local business. The business practicum gives residents valuable experience as they seek to re-enter the job market while providing the business with an invested volunteer.
Become a financial partner
UGM operates without government funding. Support from many local businesses helps provide the financial stability needed to make our services available to all who need them.
Do something together
Volunteer as a team, hold a drive, or do a one-day service project. All are great ways to encourage community involvement and team-building within your organization.
Offer a matching gift
By matching your employees’ donations either in part or in whole, you encourage philanthropy and community-mindedness. UGM can help you set up a matching gift program.
Interested? Contact Danny:

“The goal is to help them become productive members of society and to be able to offer them hope that they can have a better life and have joy.”
– Art and Kaleen Coffey, owners at Able Label and UGM business partners
Legacy Giving and Donor Advised Funds
Legacy giving can be as simple as naming UGM in your will, but there are also several other options: donate stock, IRA distributions, donor advised funds, and more. Get in touch with us and we will connect with you personally to help you understand and move forward with your plans to benefit future generations of those in our care.
Interested? Contact Gwen:

Gwen Schwartz
Director of Legacy and Gift Planning
“I’m a giver now, and I’m going to be a giver after I’m gone. It makes me feel very good to know that it’s going to an organization that I know will do well with it.”
– Pat Holmstead, UGM legacy giver
UGM Enterprises and Estate Services
You can donate your used car, furniture, household goods, clothes, even items from a loved one’s estate through Union Gospel Mission’s enterprises. Whether it’s a set of dishware, a beloved Buick, or a roomful of vintage furnishings, your gift will be turned into funding for UGM’s shelters and recovery services.
UGM Thrift Stores
Proceeds from your purchases and donations fund meals, shelter, and recovery programs at UGM’s four shelters.

UGM Motors
Proceeds from your purchases and donations fund meals, shelter, and recovery programs at UGM’s four shelters.

UGM Warehouse
Proceeds and donations fund meals, shelter, and recovery programs at UGM’s four shelters.

Interested? Contact Donny:

“We are deeply grateful to UGM because we know my mom’s donations will go to help those who really need it.”
– The Smith family, UGM estate donors